Thursday, July 21, 2016

Why do so many nations and organizations fall short of their goals?

Leadership and Governance it's about balancing the long-term vision with current reality, being eager to learn everyday and being open to new ideas, technologies and being at ease with ambiguity, complexity in a fast changing economic and political environment.

Why do so many nations and organizations fall short of their goals? Because leaders aren’t always equipped for the tough challenges they’re up against..From fierce competition and customer demands, to economic downturns and strategy shifts, change is relentless in  business. New challenges affect the daily work of everyone at every level in today’s businesses. Without the right skills and competencies to handle them, work is ineffective and results are compromised—or not achieved at all.

Now that our nation and its institutions are crying out for skilled and competent leaders. Learn about creative leadership development solutions, team building activities, communication and employee engagement initiatives that inspire people ... Get John Maxwell . . . "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" to shows us the true path to leadership through the application of timeless principles supported by the bedrock of personal character and integrity.

I. The Law Of the Lead: Leadership ability determines a person's level of effectiveness.

II. The Law of Influence: The true measure of leadership is influence--nothing more, nothing less.

III. The Law of Process: Leadership develops daily, not in a day.

IV. The Law of Navigation: Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course.

V. The Law of Addition: Leaders add value by serving others.

VI. The Law of Solid Ground: Trust is the foundation of leadership

VII. The Law of Respect: People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves

VIII. The Law of Intuition: Leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias

IX. The Law of Magnetism: Who you are is who you attract

X. The Law of Connection: Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand.

XI. The Law of the Inner Circle: A leader's potential is determined by those closest to him

XII. The Law of Empowerment: Only secure leaders give power to others

XIII. The Law of the Picture: People do what people see.

XIV. The Law of Buy-in: People buy into the leader, then the vision.

XV. The Law of Victory: Leaders find a way for the team to win.

XVI. The Law of the Big Momentum is a leader's best fried

XVII. The Law of Priorities: Leaders understand that activity is not necessarily accomplishment.

XVIII. The Law of Sacrifice: A leader must give up to go up.

XIX. The Law of Timing: When to lead is as important as what to do and where to go.

XX. The Law of Explosive Growth: To add growth, lead followers--to multiply, lead leaders.

XXI. The Law of Legacy: A leader's lasting value is measured by succession.

A great book and the most digestible, practical, and actionable leadership book I've come across. Get access...

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